The best way to get there from Seward Square is to go into the obliterated residential area adjacent to the Capitol Building.

It's likely far away from anything else you've yet explored, unless you've been quite thorough in uncovering various locations around the Wasteland. Reilly has already marked your Pip-Boy's map with the exact location of her compound, which is located downtown, on the easternmost border of the Capital Wasteland. When you're ready, it's time to sniff out the Reilly's Rangers HQ. Make sure to scour their bodies for needed material after they're slain, and then head rightward (going to the left from the stairs will lead to a debris-filled dead end). However, the residuals are creatures you're going to have to directly deal with or dodge in order to proceed. Strangely enough, the first time you visit this area, Mini Nukes will rain from the sky (possibly from the Enclave), negating some of the Super Mutants' strength and numbers. Look for closed brackets throughout the lines.Seward Square Northeast is chock full of Super Mutants, so you're going to have to deal with them. Now sometimes this is hard thats why there are duds.

Say you found the word backwards Gnillik you would get 0/7 right even though the letters are all the same, they aren't in the right spot. if you choose Killing and say the -ing are correct, you'll get 3/7 right. So don't think it means how many letters are correct because it only count the ones in the exact spot.Įx. One of those words is the correct password, when you choose a word it will say how many letters in the word are right and in the correct spot. Anyway when hacking a computer you will notice a bunch of symbols and words in-between. I recommend getting it to around 90 and then getting the science bobblehead to max it out instead of wasting points. First off its best to max your science when going for this cause there's a good amount of terminals you won't be able to hack if you don't. Hacking seems difficult at first but once you understand it, it's not that hard. I've already found this on a few websites with people taking credit for my guide. If there's any terminals I'm missing, made a mistake on or you are having troubles finding please post here so I can add to/fix/help you understand the guide better.Īlso if your going to take this guide and put it on another website, atleast credit me. I haven't found every terminal in the game, but there's enough here to help you get the achievement.

Today I picked up the Operation Anchorage DLC and now I've added a new DLC terminal list to the bottom of the page.